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As God’s said in His word in 1 Corinthians 2:9 “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imaginedwhat God has prepared for those who love him.”




















Indeed, this promise of God is true in the life of Bishop Art Gonzales.


From a wretched man, God use his life testimony to inspire and to influence people for Christ.


Bishop Art Gonzales started in the ministry as a church caretaker by day and bible teacher by night.


His love for Christ Jesus gave him the courage and the desire to know God more.


Bishop Art studied in the School of Ministry and was able to enter in the service as an assistant pastor. Not looking to the prestige of any position, title or name, Bishop Art faithfully heeded to what God had instructed to him to preach the good news to many people.


By God’s grace, in his obedient walk to his calling, the LORD revealed and showed great signs, wonders and miracles through the ministry of Inner Healing and Deliverance.


He was amazed and astonished.


Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he learned many truths in the bible, about the awesome power of Christ Jesus in the ministry of Inner Healing and Deliverance.


Greatest of these truths are the supernatural power God has bestowed to his children to destroy the works of darkness.


The LORD showed him the great manifested power of Christ, as he witness the works of the devil being eradicated in the lives of many people who are in bondage.


Although there is much opposition, the LORD gave him a strong anointing to stand and to continue what the LORD had instructed.


1990’s the LORD commanded him to ignite the fire of Inner Healing and Deliverance all over the Philippines and in the different parts of the world.


By God’s grace, he conducted seminars and conferences about Inner Healing and Deliverance as a church’s tool for evangelism.


For the glory of God in his 32 years of service in the ministry, Bishop Art Gonzales has witnessed and experienced God’s faithfulness and liberating power to the lives of many people.
































Through God’s grace, his passion to minister different people has not changed. For him, it is a mandate to do and mission to pursue.


Through God’s anointing and direction, he has authored four books which discussed the great power of God in the ministry of Inner Healing and Deliverance, The Deliverance from the Curse of Darkness, Apostolic Deliverance, God’s creative miracles and Inner Healing and Deliverance Question and Answer.


And although not a composer and singer, God has given him the gift of writing beautiful and anointed praise and worship songs with five albums released, Relax, trust in the LORD, Blessings flow like a River, Pangako Mo, Fire of God and Living water.


By God’s grace, he is also the known as the forefront runner of Inner healing and Deliverance in the Philippines.


At present, he continues to share the love of Christ through the ministry Inner Healing and Deliverance around the globe.


His passion has not changed. His commitment has not wavered.


For him, he will continue this mission until everyone in the world has been reached and has heard the greatest miracle in the history of mankind the salvation that is found in JESUS CHRIST, the center of his life and heart of the JA1 ministry.


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